National De Jur Asembly of Fiji

Water Restoration

The forest, the weather and the farming of the land is all one. Heavy change of the weather are all aspects of our lost connection with the natural world and the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances of the planet. The restoration of the natural water cycles is therefore also the restoration of the land, ecosystems and the restoration of the people who are stewarding the land. You can say that you can plant water, by restoring the innate connection with nature.

By replanting the trees and restoring the soil, the moist sea wind will once more bring rains deep inland. Desertification will retreat. The living soil and water sponge will be restored to health and form the start of a healthy food chain. The water cycles will rebalance as the surface rivers and steams spring back to life and the deep underground rivers and acquifers will refill. The trees are therefore the rainmakers which will restore living water for all life.