National De Jur Asembly of Fiji

Sovereignty Restoration

For thousands of years the Twelve Tribes of Ra of the South Pacific, which Fiji is at the heart of, have been waiting for the return of Sovereignty, which is translated as Mana in the Native language of all the pacific tribes.

This return of Sovereignty was due to arrive between year 2012 and 2022 according to the local prophecies of the twelve tribes of the Pacific which includes all the Micronesian, Melanesian and Polynesian tribes consisting of the Native tribe of Australia, New Zealand, Cook Island, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Kiribati, Hawaii, Easter Island and other Micronesian tribes that are under the USA government.

In 2015 The Chiefs of Fiji formed an organization to prepare our Fiji for the arrival of The Mana and they called the organisation Fijians Helping Fiji Co-operative Limited. In 2021 the name has been changed to the National De Jur Assembly of Fiji after a ratification in Halls of record in London. The purpose of the National De Jur Assembly is to both help Fiji and the Pacific but also to help the rest of the World in the return of Manna and the awareness of the spiritual energy of the Fifth Element within every Living thing and every Living System.

This will imply the return of Sovereignty to all living flesh and blood and sovereign people of earth through the remembrance of who they truly are with the experience that the true Restoration will provide for them.

In connection with their plan for Sovereignty restoration, all Sovereign people of Fiji have made a Declaration of Sovereignty, which they have sent to themselves with a postage stamp. You can see an example of a Sovereignty Declaration in the below link:

Sovereignty Declaration

To understand what Sovereignty and Mana is, and why it is important for all living beings on the planet in this special moment in time, we have made some interviwes available with Ratu SeruFoama Tuilomaloma, who is the higher chief on the Fiji Islands. You can listen to the interviews, by clicking on the buttons below: